Gossip girl spoilers

Publié le par series junkie seriesjunkie@gmail.com

gossip-girl.jpgHere are the spoilers for gossip girl from Ausiello : "We'll soon be meeting Blair's dad, who, according to the casting breakdown, is "a Cary Grant charmer with impeccable taste and manners." Translation: He's gay! He also resides in Paris with his model boyfriend. Speaking of Blair, in the Oct. 3 episode she gets a tip that her frienemy Serena may have spent time in rehab during her mysterious year-long hiatus. And the name of the facility should ring a bell to many an Aushole: The Ostroff Treatment Center". Doesn't ring any bell to me but the spoilers sound interesting, especially about Blair's dad. What about Serena's dad ? I didn't get it : is he dead ?

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