Kristin's Lost-mas 2

Publié le par series junkie

Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly, Lost Mario Perez/ABC

From Kristin : "Happy 2010, everyone!

To celebrate the joyous year of what is shaping up to be a mind-blowing final season of Lost, we continue our 12 Days of Lost-mas with a fun little guessing game that can be very revealing, if you play it right...

According to sources, all of these things will be said in the first six hours of Lost's new season (starting Feb. 2), and they are pivotal to the plot:

  1. "Am I alive?"
  2. "It turned out she did not want out."
  3. "I wanted you to be able to go home."
  4. "I was killed by an *** ******."
  5. "I was supposed to die."

Who says what? And why?

I'll give you a clue. The first one is not a female, and is the same person as #5."

Publié dans lost

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