Another lost theory about the oceanic 8

Publié le par series junkie

Still from,
"Sayid, Sun and Jim were aboard Desmond’s boat that was heading to rescue Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley.  They too were not on the island near the beach when the hatch exploded.
We need to get to the “8 Survivors” of Oceanic 815 and eventually get to the Oceanic Six.  We now know that Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid are four of the 6 (Oceanic Six) and also 4 of the 8.  My guess is that not being at the site of the blast areas of the EMP, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Jin, Sun, Hureley, Sayid, Michael and Walt are immune to the comings and goings on the island.  Two of them will be the other 2 to make the Oceanic Six and 4 of them will make the total survivors 8.  (The “8 Survivors” are the lie that Jack told in the courtroom). It is also possible that the other 2 could be anyone since the "8 survivors" is based on a lie. The Oceanic Six being the important number, for now. 
If my theory holds true we have 9 Losties immune to leaving the island and to get to 8, someone has to die………..hmmmmmmm….and to get to the Oceanic Six a total of 3 people from my list have to die or be said to have died……. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm…Jack tells the court that 8 people survived the flight and 6 made it off the island.  Since we know this to be untrue it is not a giant leap in the story to say 6 people could get off the island and two people could stay behind and be said to be dead in the recanting of the story. Also as I mentioned above the "Oceanic Six" are more important than the 8 or 9 in my theory. 
Maybe none of my 9 Losties who are immune in my theory will die, but I still think we will see some deaths in the faces I have pictured above to get us to the Oceanic Six.  I also think that Aaron is going to be able to get off the island “somehow” and will not be considered part of the Oceanic Six.  That would explain why Kate is with Aaron if Claire cannot leave the island due to her close proximity to the hatch explosion."

Good theory about the explosion !! As I've already posted we now know who the oceanic 6 are but we still don't know who the other 2 are and why they were 8 and ended up with 6 being rescued ! Claire might be part of the 8. I think we'll learn more with episode 8 Michael centric !
What do you guys think about this theory ? Any other theory ?

Publié dans lost

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