Spin offs and reboots !

Publié le par series junkie seriesjunkie@gmail.com

Ok, what the hell is going on here ? Can't they find anything new and original anymore ? They have to rip off old shows ? 90210, Melrose Place, Knight Rider, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Bionic Woman, V, come on enough is enough !!!
Don't get me wrong, I was very excited about the new 90210 and I'm kind of excited about the new V and the new Melrose Place but it feels like a wave of 90's nostalgia and let's face it : is it really worth it ?
Let's take 90210 for example ! Sure, I'm having a lot of fun watching it, but it's still exactly the same characters and storylines as the original ! I mean everything that could be done was done ! Everything that could happen to a character happened, especially to Kelly (drugs, rape, addictions, love triangles, divorce, alcoholic mom, and I'm just naming a few !) so what do they think they can bring that would be new and fresh ?!
I'm happy my old shows are coming back (although it would be better with more original cast members !) but it might be time to stop the madness and forget the nostalgia !
I still can't believe more people are willing to watch stupid rip off night rider than new, original and fresh pushing daisies !!
Anyway, I'm still looking forward to see what they'll come up with for the new MP !! And as I was saying before, they better bring Heather back ! As Perez puts it "Amanda lives, bitches !!"
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