Out of lipstick !!

Publié le par series junkie seriesjunkie@gmail.com


From Perez : "Poor Brooke Shields.

She might be looking good, but we can't say the same for her show.

Turns out that Lipstick Jungle got a series LOW of only 4.3 million viewers last week.

And that's not a good sign considering it dropped from a low of 5 million from it's October 8th episode.

But, to make matters even worse, NBC has announced that they are changing their lineup.
Lipstick Jungle is now being shafted to the Friday time slot. And, that of course means, more likely than not, that the series will soon die out or be cancelled!"

Well, this is the first year that I'm happy to see shows go !! Not that I didn't like LJ, but it wasn't that great or original and as I said for the ex-list, I'm just glad my tv schedule is getting lighter !!!

Publié dans lipstick jungle

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