Lost 5x06 review

Publié le par series junkie seriesjunkie@gmail.com

I won't say I didn't like the episode because I was SOO excited they got back to the island !! But I'm a little dispointed because we didn't learn much except for how they got back, plus we didn't see our island folks (except for Jin at the end !).
That being said, let's get into it ! First off, skipping the famous eye shot of the beginning if the episode, why on earth would Jack wear a suit to go back to the island ?? That's just stupid ! And why wouldn't they bring everything they thought they would need on the island like food, clothes, batteries and stuff ?
Anyway, what was written on his little piece if paper ? Was it part of Locke's letter ?
As for Ben's explaination about the painting in the chuch, we can obviously expect John's "resurection" pretty soon !! It could sound weird but this is lost so anything is possible and as Ben said : "we're all convinced sooner or later" !! Which is why he asks Jack to take "a leap of faith". But this whole man of science vs man of faith theme, although it's at the core of the show, is a little annoying because it is a little too religious (or centered around religion) for my taste ! But that's ok, I'm still with the show !!
By the way, wasn't Eloïse's lecture on faith and the island a little "ridiculous" as Jack pointed out ? Although I loved it when she told him to "pay attention" like she was talking to a child, to her pupil !! lol. But we did learn that her lair is another (off-island this time !!) Dharma station called The Lamppost and that's where they learned how to get to the island but she didn't really explain how they even knew it existed !! She said they gathered information but from who, from where, how did it come to their attention and by the way who the hell are they ?
And one question remains : WHERE THE HELL IS AARON ??!!!!!
The part on the plane was so exciting and funny at the same time, although nothing special was happening except for them waiting to crash !! Jack kept changing seats like a little kid playing musical chairs, too excited to stay still ! And I couldn't stop laughing when he asked Ben "How can you read" and he answers "My mother taught me" !! It was funny but also reminding us that Ben was taught, Ben knows but Jack only executes : he only does what he's told ("We just have to go back and that's it ?" "No, Jack, that's not it ! At least not for you" said Eloïse (not exact quotes)). And you also have to love Ben's dark humour when Jack asks him about the other passengers and what if they die : "who cares ?". Well, fair enough ! lol Speaking of dark humour, how about Locke's childish "I told you so" letter ?
Update : I forgot that Ben's mother died in child birth so why would he say that ?? That's "dark and twisted" !!
Now how about Desmond ? How will HE get back since there are so few windows ? We know he HAS to get back : Mrs Hawkins said so : "the island is not done with you yet". And what about dear old Ben covered in blood ? Did he manage to kill Penny (he was near a marina apparently, which is where Penny and her boat should be) ?
How about Sun ? I get that she wants to get Jin back but does she understand that once they get there, they probably won't ever get back to the real world ? So what's going to happen with her daughter ? And Aaron ? Will they have to wait for the next window of opportunity ? When will that be ? It could be years : they could be adults, especially since time in the real world passes much faster than on the island !
The fact that they have to recreate as much as the circumstances of the first crash as they can for the Ajira Airlines flight confirms the theory that the island's history is repeating itself (and as Eloïse pointed out constantly moving). By the way, what happened with Sayid ? I bet Ben put him up to this (being arrested and handcuffed on the plane like Kate was). And who told Hurley to get on the plane ? Charlie ? Probably someone dead !! And let's take a second to thank Hurley for buying all the remaining seats trying to spare as many lives as possible ! Awww ! As for the girl accompagnying Sayid and the other dude who said his condolences to Jack, I bet they'll survive the crash (or was it a crash ? Maybe they sort of teleported from the plane or something !) and be important to the story (maybe not the girl since the original marshall died pretty soon after the crash) ! Maybe they're with team Ben/Hawkins !
All in all i was very excited throught the episode but still a little disappointed that we didn't learn that much and we didn't see the island people !! I mean, where was Sawyer ? I thought it would be him in the van ! And then I thought no it's a Dharma guy : they ended up in the past. But it was Jin ! Still nice but not Sawyer ! I guess this is for the next episode !! But the question remains : WHEN are they ?
I haven't adressed Kate and Jack "love scene" because we all saw it and although part of me was excited about the kiss finally happening, it was not satisfying since Kate was having once again one of her stressed angry sex session (like she used to have with Sawyer) plus she told Jack on the plane that it didn't mean they were together so that kiss didn't mean much because of Kate's state of mind ! And I wonder if she's that way "just" because she "lost" Aaron or is it deeper ? And what about the theory that she's pregnant ? She would then (as Elody and others pointed out) be a proxi for Claire on the plane !! And it just occured to me that Ben was playing Hurley getting in late ! And remember Lapidus was supposed to be the pilot for the Oceanic flight 815 ! And he provides us with another funny bit : "we're not going to Guam, are we ?".

And now, thanks to Kristin for these enlightenments :
- "Ben was reading James Joyce's Ulysses, which is, of course, a psychedelic Irish novel that had a few Easter Eggs of its own and was based on the ancient myth of Odysseus, a lost sailor who is kept from his love, Penelope, by a series of wildly unbelievable but nonetheless thrilling adventures."
- A CS Lewis nod with a The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe reference with the Lamppost Station : "They came out of the wardrobe at the lamppost, and it was where they knew they could get back to their world."
- Jack's seat number was 8C, and the flight left from gate 15.

From tvguide :
- The episode was called 316 because "it is the number of a very telling Biblical passage, that being John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." We'll get to see who Lost's resident Jesus figure is in good time."

From Doc Jensen
- The episode had references to Prince Caspian. I'll do an entire post on the connections between Narnia and Lost !
Does it mean that they will return to an island in ruin ?

Random thought :
- Jack is surprised to learn that Locke killed himself but wasn't the word suicide written on Jeremy Bentham's orbituary ??

Here is the trailer for next week's episode : the episode is called "the life and death of Jeremy Bentham" so we're gonna learn a whole lot about Locke !!

Publié dans lost

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