Heroes : Claire and Gretchen kiss story update

Publié le par series junkie seriesjunkie@gmail.com

Heroes, Hayden Panettiere, Madeline Zima NBC

From Kristin : "Yep, Hayden Panettiere locks lips with a girl this coming Monday on Heroes. Claire Bennet and her roommate Gretchen (Californication's Madeline Zima) share a semiromantic first kiss, but what you don't know about their sapphic drama is that there's a third party involved. Read on to find out if college-girl Claire is getting kinky, or if there is something more significant going on...

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Here's the deal: Gretchen loves Claire. Claire likes Gretchen, but doesn't like-like her. Such awkward scenarios have been worked out before, with a little honesty and upfront communication, but unfortunately that's not possible in this case.

See, Claire starts feeling a little threatened by Gretchen after a series of odd happenstances make it appear like Gretchen is stalking Claire. But is Gretchen really responsible? As it turns out, she might not be, because there's a third person in the mix who also has her eye on Claire, and that person's intentions are none-too-good. And maybe, just maybe, that third party is setting up Gretchen as the fall girl.

Who is this wicked woman? You'll probably be able to sniff out the suspect as soon as you see her, but just in case there's any doubt, here's a hint: You hated her guts on another series we love, and you rejoiced mightily when she was written off at the end of the season. Any guesses?"

So who was a bitch on a big show and was written off last season ? The first one that comes to mind is Eddie from Desperate Housewives but I don't see why or how she would be introduced to Heroes in the college storyline. Plus, we probably would have heard about it !! Chuck's ex girlfriend on Chuck ? She wasn't really hateable !! I can't think of anyone !!

Publié dans heroes

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