Melrose Place : the bitch is back and she nailed it !!!

Publié le par series junkie

I have to admit I was so excited to see Heather Lockear back on Melrose and to see that Amanda hadn't changed ! She's a bitch and that's why we love her !!! And that little note from Sydney at the end "you'll never find it" : find what ???!! Heather Locklear is still as fabulous and Amanda is still awesome. And Ella held her own by the way, although I still think she could tone it down a little sometimes but I guess that's what the character is all about !
My only regret is that Locklear went through so much plastic surgery (I chose an older photo where she looks normal !) ! It affects her job as an actress. She's so good but she could be better if she had left her face the hell alone !! I'd rather see her look natural even if she looks older and wrinkly than see her look so fake ! It bothered me the entire episode !!!
But hey, it's still Amanda and we still love her and here is a preview for next week :

Publié dans Melrose Place

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